Thursday, October 3, 2013

Savannah Sparta Download

Savannah Sparta
This one I worked on for a couple of days until I got the coat color just right.  This is a female blue dobbie to keep old Stingray busy!  She is not a female version of Stingray, but a completely different dog!  Her features, neck and body are different as well as the markings.
Two sliders were used: The fore chest slider by Pharaoh Hound found here:
Also I use an eye replacement for dogs by Corapntr Christy's Default dog Eyes found here:
Even though you make think it does not make a difference the eyes solve the dog eye problem in game as well as improving by 99% the look of the EA defaults and the slider makes a difference in the dobbies as well as other short haired breeds with strong chest features.  As always is up to you to use or not. Savannah is pack as a Sim file, again as a work around to the last EA glitch of saved sims index.  She will go into your saved sims folder. Now that all the nasty details are out of the way, download Savannah, give her a good home, you know you want to.  She is housebroken!, at least she was in my game.  Not responsible for broken furniture, ruined rugs, lost cats or bites!
Download Savannah:

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